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Tuesday 26 May 2020

Deploying API Gateway

In the last 2 posts, I have been working on setting up API access to my Dynamo Table through API Gateway. The next step would be to deploy the APIs:

I decided to start with the GET method:
API Gateway provides some real cool features out of the box:

  1. Cache Settings: APIG includes an api level cache with configurable cache size, cache ttl.
  2. Default Method Throttling: APIG allows us to apply throttling to the API, defining the supported TPS and allowable bursts rate. APIG supports API level throttling (across all clients) as well as client specific throttling.
  3. Web Application Firewall (WAF): Firewall settings can be setup for the endpoint allowing us to block SQL Injection, XSS attacks, catch bad clients etc. Refer this link.
  4. CloudWatch logs: Cloud Watch logs can be enabled for APIG as well as cloud watch metrics - API call latency, integration latency, errors etc.
  5. Client Development: API can be exported using Swagger, clients can be generated in various languages
  6. Testing: Canary support is available for safe deployments

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