In our previous post we saw the Criteria API at its simplest. No select clauses or where clauses. Just the from clause. However without the ability to apply conditions, Criteria as a feature would be of very limited use.
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Friday 28 December 2012
Wednesday 26 December 2012
Criteria API - the basics
Until now I have used HQL in all the posts we have seen. I decided to go ahead and try the Criteria API. With criteria you create your queries programmatically and not via Strings. In the HQL examples the simplest Query was the select * query.
Sunday 23 December 2012
HQL and Nested Queries
It is often the case that we need to execute a query based on the results of another query. One way would be to execute the first query, get the results, parse and use them for the second query. The concern here is that since we are not concerned with results of the first query why should we have the application handle that logic ? Instead why not have the database process the two queries together and return to the application only the results of the second query. The results that the application is actually interested in. This can be achieved using inner queries or sub queries.
Thursday 20 December 2012
SOAP Webservices using Spring -3
As of now we have configured the web service and have also made our contract (or WSDL ) visible to the client. But what happens when the client actually sends a request? How do we handle it?
Wednesday 19 December 2012
SOAP Webservices using Spring -2
In the previous example we saw how to set up the application and add the WSDL and XSD files needed. We also configured a MessageDispatcherServlet to handle the operations exposed by our web-service.
Tuesday 18 December 2012
SOAP Webservices using Spring -1
The Spring Web Services project is used for creating document-driven Web services. I decided to create a simple web service that takes a value and returns a value (i.e. no logic - just data transfer) .
Saturday 15 December 2012
HQL and Dynamic Fetching strategies
We saw in our earlier post that HQL ignores the fetching strategy in our mapping. Consider the below query which fetches an entity with id 1.
public static void testNormalFetch() { final Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Wednesday 12 December 2012
Handling exceptions in Spring MVC
Exceptions occur. And when they occur in a web application, it leaves us developers looking very stupid. An Apache Tomcat page showing a stack trace and 500 in bold words makes it even worse for us. Graceful handling of exceptions in a web application makes things a tad better.
Monday 10 December 2012
The Fetch Plan and the Fetch Strategy.
While studying HQL I came across the following statement:
"HQL and JPA QL ignore any fetching strategy defined in the mapping. But the global fetch plan is not ignored"
What is the strategy and what is the plan here ?
"HQL and JPA QL ignore any fetching strategy defined in the mapping. But the global fetch plan is not ignored"
What is the strategy and what is the plan here ?
Saturday 8 December 2012
Group by and having clauses in HQL
In the previous example we saw the aggregate Functions supported in HQL. But reporting is also dependent on grouping. Examples would be max scores of students grouped by their class, most expensive items sold in a shop grouped by material etc.
Thursday 6 December 2012
HQL and aggregrate functions
We have been testing out the varied hql functions till now. But what if we want aggregation ?
Aggregate queries are almost always required in applications. Getting the most expensive, the last logged, total hits... whenever any statistics or reporting screens come up, the aggregate queries show up. I decided to start with count functionality:
Aggregate queries are almost always required in applications. Getting the most expensive, the last logged, total hits... whenever any statistics or reporting screens come up, the aggregate queries show up. I decided to start with count functionality:
Tuesday 4 December 2012
Reading the date in the request parameter
In the previous posts we saw how Spring allows us to accept request parameters as method level parameters for our Controllers. This is all very easy when we are dealing with String parameters like "first name " or "address". But what if we have date of birth?
Sunday 2 December 2012
The ResourceLoaderAware Interface
In an earlier post we saw how using Spring's ApplicationContext we were able to access and load resources. However having that the ApplicationContext auto-wired in your class so as to allow you to use the Resource Loading functionality may seem a bit of an overkill. We after only need the ability to load resources. So ApplicationContext is out.
Friday 30 November 2012
Upload and Download files- continued
In the previous post we saw how to process the MultipartFile parameter. We then wrote code to convert it into a byte array and use it in our code. This all works fine.
However we have seen custom editors that are capable of converting string parameters in HttpServletRequest into objects
However we have seen custom editors that are capable of converting string parameters in HttpServletRequest into objects
Thursday 29 November 2012
Upload and Download files
We often come across scenarios wherein we need to upload a file and save it on some persistent storage. We also then have to provide code for downloading the file - this involves processing the request, reading the file - from database or file system and writing it back to the response.
Tuesday 27 November 2012
Resource Loading in Spring
We have seen the various capabilities provided by the ApplicationContext. These include I18N, property file loading and event publishing. In this post we shall look at another utility functionality provided by the ApplicationContext - access to low-level resources.
Processing Parameters in Spring
Any web application will need the ability to process request parameters. Spring provide support for direct access to request parameters. But how do we get to the Request object ? Or can we manage without it ?
Sunday 25 November 2012
Replicating Records Across Tables
There could be a scenario where we need that records from one database to be copied to another database.
Maybe we have an application and we would like to copy its data into another database for analysis. It could be that running export scripts is not an option. Hibernate in this case provides us with the ability to read the data from the table in one database and insert it into another table in the second database. Or to put things better, Hibernate allows us to replicate the objects.
Maybe we have an application and we would like to copy its data into another database for analysis. It could be that running export scripts is not an option. Hibernate in this case provides us with the ability to read the data from the table in one database and insert it into another table in the second database. Or to put things better, Hibernate allows us to replicate the objects.
Saturday 24 November 2012
Springs' ContextLoaderListener
In an earlier example we show how to load beans from multiple configuration files. This is mostly needed in web applications where we write the different bean definitions in different layers.
Friday 23 November 2012
Importing from other configuration files
One of the best practises we follow in Application development is modularity. Separation of concern is an important design practise that can also be applied to our XML configuration.
Monday 19 November 2012
gzip your Tomcat response
I was looking at the request and response headers in our application the
other day. I noticed that the Browser request included the
Accept-Encoding header. The values indicated my browser was capable of
handling zipped responses.
Saturday 17 November 2012
The Hibernate Inheritance Mechanism - Flashback
OK, this is a little late. I needed to use inheritance and was going across the earlier posts - as I barely remembered how I had done inheritance in the first place. As I looked at the four techniques and the mutated enhancement provided by Hibernate I saw certain things that I had failed to note down the last time.
Thursday 15 November 2012
Using annotation based handler mappings
In earlier posts we saw the different URL handler mappings available to enable the servlet to route requests to correct controllers. Spring has also introduced annotation based controllers.
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Using Multiple URL Handler Mappings
As we saw earlier Spring supports a variety of URL handler mappings. In fact we can use multiple URL Handler mappings in the same application.
Sunday 11 November 2012
Forcefully initializing proxies in Hibernate
As we have seen, The Hibernate Entities that we load in a persistence context may be made of proxies and collection wrappers. The simplest way to initialize these proxies would be to call any of the data getter methods (except Identifier).
Friday 9 November 2012
Spring MVC without URL Mappings ?
In an earlier example we saw that Spring uses a single front-controller servlet. The Servlet then delegates the request to the controllers. This was achieved by mapping the controllers to urls.
Tuesday 6 November 2012
The ModelAndView
In our previous example we did not explore the ModelAndView object in detail. We simply passed the control to a static jsp page. I modified the example to deal with a jsp with some dynamic content.
Sunday 4 November 2012
Basic MVC application in Spring
Spring provides support for MVC based web application development. I decided to create a very basic application involving a simple HTML page and a JSP page.
Friday 2 November 2012
Eager fetching does not work for parallel bags
In our previous posts we saw how Hibernate allows the use of eager fetching for collections. We also saw that with more than one collection having eager fetch enabled, how the Cartesian product problem was encountered. But this problem will never occur with Bags. Why? Because bags do not support this feature.
Wednesday 31 October 2012
Formatting code using Eclipse
We all write code. But how many of us write clean well formatted code ? Do we care if our classes are correctly indented ? Does it affect us when our IDE shows tiny yellow warnings? Warnings that scream "unused variable" or "unchecked code" ?
Tuesday 30 October 2012
The wrong result when using fetch and DISTINCT keywords
Consider a query to fetch all entities who have a child with id 1.
public static void testQuerySingleE() { final Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
Saturday 27 October 2012
HQL and the new keyword
It often happens that for a particular use case we need columns from several different tables. Consider the case where we would like the Entity name and its Master Name to be displayed.
Thursday 25 October 2012
Theta Style Joins
Consider the below queries to find all children of an entity:
public static void testGetEntityChild() { final Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Wednesday 24 October 2012
Querying and Outer Joins
In the previous post we saw HQL 's support for inner joins. With inner joins, a rows is returned when there is at least one row from both tables that matches the join condition. However it may be needed that rows are returned even when there are no matches through the join criteria.
Saturday 20 October 2012
Quering and Inner joins
In the rich object model that Hibernate provides us, it allows us to create object associations. These associations which represent records in other tables would be a weak functionality if there was no query support for them.
Wednesday 17 October 2012
HQL functions - more of them
In the previous post we saw some common HQL functions. I decided to explore them some more.
Tuesday 16 October 2012
HQL functions
HQL has the ability to use functions in the WHERE clause.There are the JPA defined functions and also additional HQL functions available for use:
Sunday 14 October 2012
HQL - The where clause - 2
Continuing from the previous post, I decided to try out other HQL queries
Thursday 11 October 2012
Attributes in Spring's @Transactional Annotation
In the previous few posts we saw how to use Spring's transaction management.We saw declarative and programmatic support of transactions in Spring. In case of Spring's declarative transaction management using annotations, there are five main attributes that matter:
Monday 8 October 2012
Caching binary content coming from databases
I recently had the opportunity to work on a mobile project where I faced a whole set of different challenges. All my previous experience involved developing server applications for the web. So when I had to write a REST based API for mobile application we were faced with some interesting challenges.
Spring's @Transactional annotation
Up till now we have seen various ways to achieve transactional behavior in Spring. We saw
Now to do things the easiest way - using annotations.- How to declare a transactional proxy for our bean
- How to use abstract beans to reduce the amount of code in transactional proxies
- How to take advantage of Springs new transaction namespace to apply transactional aspects to multiple beans
- How to do transaction management via code.
Since version 2.0 Spring came up with annotations to manage declarative transactions. I decided to use JDBC to test out the annotations.
Friday 5 October 2012
Programattic Transactions
In the previous post we saw how Spring allows us to use advices for transaction management. However Spring also provides support for programatically managing transactions.
Thursday 4 October 2012
We saw in our earlier posts how working with TransactionProxyFactoryBean resulted in large configuration files. Even with the abstract bean technique we still are dealing with verbose configuration. As of version 2.0. Spring has come up with using advises to manage transactions.
Monday 1 October 2012
Managing Transactions the Spring way 2
In the previous post we saw how to use TransactionProxyFactoryBean. For every class that needs transactional behavior, we need to add one such bean that will act as the proxy. For a big application this is a lot of xml definition. The Spring In Action book shows how this code can be reduced by using abstract beans.
Saturday 29 September 2012
Managing Transactions the Spring way
In the previous post we saw how Spring managed caching via proxies. It follows a similar route to achieve transaction management in a very transparent way. Spring supports programmatic and declarative transactions. Declarative uses aspects and therefore proxies and is therefore achieved in a very transparent manner.
Thursday 27 September 2012
Caching in Spring-2
In our previous post we saw how to use Spring and Ehcache. We did that through a lot of XML configuration. Spring also provides us with annotations to use.
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Caching in Spring
Many a times we come upon the need for using caching in our code to improve performance. In my very first IT project we had done caching by writing our own code involving maps, generics and some get put calls. Now we know about readily available third party cache providers and Spring fortunately provides integration for several of these.
Sunday 23 September 2012
Managing module dependency versions with Maven
When building a complex application with Maven it is normal to split the code among multiple projects. Every project has its own pom file
and we use a parent pom file to build all projects in the process generating our final build or deployment artifact.
The problem observed is that the different projects have their own dependencies.
Friday 21 September 2012
Spring and Hibernate 2
In the previous post we saw the working of the HibernateTemplate. As discussed Spring doesn't need us to work with it. We can now directly work with the SessionFactory.
Thursday 20 September 2012
Spring and Hibernate
In our earlier post we saw how Spring can be integrated with JDBC. Spring also provides a similar template class for use with Hibernate - org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate.
Wednesday 19 September 2012
String Pool and SLF4J
A few days back we had a code review and one of the concerns raised was "too many logs".
The statement made was : Too many logs in code result could in memory issues.
This was the first time somebody had come with such a feedback. Most of the time it was absence of logs that was the common concern. I decided to spend some time analyzing the complaint.
The statement made was : Too many logs in code result could in memory issues.
This was the first time somebody had come with such a feedback. Most of the time it was absence of logs that was the common concern. I decided to spend some time analyzing the complaint.
Saturday 15 September 2012
HQL - The where clause
Logic in applications almost always involves execution of queries involving where clauses on the database. HQL also supports where clauses.
Friday 14 September 2012
HQL - Getting all the records in the database
We have been dealing with Hibernate objects that represents table records. In the inheritance posts we saw how to fetch records by referring to the base class. This would result in all sub class objects being fetched. In Java all classes extend the Object class.
Tuesday 11 September 2012
Spring JDBC and SqlUpdate
In the previous posts we used the JDBC template's update() method to insert, update and delete data.There is another technique available if we do not want to work with the template.
Monday 10 September 2012
Spring JDBC and the MappingSqlQuery
In the previous post we saw the SqlQuery class. The MappingSqlQuery class extends the SqlQuery class
Friday 7 September 2012
Spring JDBC and SqlQuery
In an earlier post we saw how to use the JdbcTemplate to retrieve multiple rows from the database. There is an alternative way to do the same - using the org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlQuery class.
Wednesday 5 September 2012
Spring JDBC and the SqlFunction
In our previous post we saw how to use the JDBC templates to retrieve data. The template included wrappers to return scalar values from execution of SQL queries. For example consider the method from the previous example:
Tuesday 4 September 2012
HQL and aliases
In the previous post we saw how query execution works in Hibernate and we created a simple relationship that we could use to test our different HQL queries.
Saturday 1 September 2012
Querying with HQL - the basics
Hibernate provides us with its own query language - HQL or Hibernate Query Language. To understand the same I created a simple Entity class:
Thursday 30 August 2012
Spring and JDBC
I decided to implement the IPersonDAO interface to work with JDBC.
public class SimplePersonDAO extends SimpleJdbcDaoSupport implements IPersonDAO { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PersonDAO.class); //remaining methods }
Wednesday 29 August 2012
Spring and Database - the cool stuff - 2
In the previous post we saw that Spring gave us a generic way to handle Data access exceptions. The next goodie from the Spring box is the ability to ignore the database access code and focus on the actual database logic.
Sunday 26 August 2012
Spring and Database - the cool stuff
Spring gives us some real cool advantages when integrating with databases. Theses advantages are applicable whether you connect to the database via JDBC or via frameworks.
Friday 24 August 2012
Spring And The Actual DB Operations
In the last few posts we saw how we could use Spring to create data-sources to interact with the databases. However we never wrote any code to actually do anything in the database. Spring as discussed earlier provides integration via direct JDBC and also via ORM frameworks. We shall start by investigating Spring's JDBC integration mechanism.
Thursday 23 August 2012
Pooled Data-sources and Spring -2
In the previous post we saw how Spring integrated with DBCP. There is another data-source c3p0 which can also be integrated via Spring.
Monday 20 August 2012
Pooled Data-sources and Spring
In an earlier post we saw non pooled data-sources. However both DriverManagerDataSource and SingleConnectionDataSource have their own limitations.
Saturday 18 August 2012
Managing Data-sources via Spring
I am yet to work in a project where database connectivity is not required. Spring has covered this area of development too, providing a series of templates and DAOs. In most cases, the techniques provided by Spring need to use a data-source to connect to the database.
I lifted this definition from the IBM site
I lifted this definition from the IBM site
A data source is associated with a JDBC provider, which supplies the driver
implementation classes that are required for JDBC connectivity with your specific
vendor database. Application components transact directly with the data source
to obtain connection instances to your database.
The article found in Java blog also covers the concept very well.Thursday 16 August 2012
fetch = join and the Cartesian Product Problem
When we apply the join fetch strategy, the data is fetched using joins. We saw this for collections and associations.This leads to a problem when there are multiple collections in the same entity.
Tuesday 14 August 2012
fetch = join for non-Collection Association
In the previous post we applied the join fetch strategy for collections. Now I shall apply them to a many-to-one and a one-to-one association.
Sunday 12 August 2012
Property files and @Value
In the previous post we saw how property file values could be used to configure our beans in the XML files. Spring has also come up with annotations to allows us to configure our bean's properties via code:
Saturday 11 August 2012
Using Spring's property-placeholder
With Spring it becomes necessary to configure our beans. This at times involves setting sensitive information in our XML files. In case of database connectivity it would be a username or password. People are not comfortable with this kind of details being available in their war files.
Friday 10 August 2012
Publishing Events asynchronously
In the previous post we saw how Spring's ApplicationContext provided for event publishing and listening. The default listener that Spring implements is synchronous. The publish method will wait until the methods of all the listeners have completed successfully. This kind of blocking behaviour may not be suitable for all scenarios.
Sunday 5 August 2012
fetch = join for Collection
There could be a scenario wherein we need an association to be always available whenever an Entity is loaded. In this case the additional select queries that are fired are a performance loss. We could tell Hibernate to fetch the entity and the association in a single call to the database.
Friday 3 August 2012
fetch = subselect
We have seen that the default fetch strategy for lazy Collections can result in an N+1 problem. We saw how to improve this using the batch size setting. Here also however the query count can end up being a little high.
Hibernate also allows all the Collections to be retrieved in a single query when a single collection is accessed. Thus as opposed to a reduced query count that we get via batching, in this case it is exactly 1 additional query.
Hibernate also allows all the Collections to be retrieved in a single query when a single collection is accessed. Thus as opposed to a reduced query count that we get via batching, in this case it is exactly 1 additional query.
Wednesday 1 August 2012
batch-size =n
In our previous example we saw how a default fetch strategy(fetch = "select") could result in N+1 selection problem for Hibernate Associations. One way to solve this problem would be to use batch-size property
Saturday 28 July 2012
The N +1 Select Problem in Hibernate
Consider our simple Book and Shelf relation. Every shelf has a collection of Books. As we have not applied any optimization strategies, when we request for a Shelf object from the database, a Shelf proxy is loaded. Then when we access a scalar property (like code) the Shelf scalar properties get loaded using a select query. The Book set is represented by a proxy. Now if we try to access the collection a second fetch is needed.
Friday 27 July 2012
Using Interception in Hibernate -2
To continue from where we left our previous discussion, byte code interception is mainly used when we need to lazily load some of our properties.
Wednesday 25 July 2012
Using Interception in Hibernate -1
As we saw in our earlier post, Hibernate allows us to lazily load columns in a table row using interception. Interception is used instead of proxies. Consider our Book- Shelf relation. If we wish to replace the Shelf proxy and instead using interception then the hbm files would have the following change:
Tuesday 24 July 2012
Hibernate uses proxies to ensure that the data is fetched only on a need basis. So if we have a Shelf class that has a set of books, the loading of a shelf object will not load the Book set. Instead a collection proxy will be assigned to the field. It is only when we access the methods of the collection, that the actual fetch occurs.
Saturday 21 July 2012
Are Interceptors Thread Safe ?
Our audit interceptor had several instance members that it used for audit management. For example there was the Set that kept track of all the new entities. What would happen of two threads simultaneously operate on the set. Or in a more general sense, is our interceptor thread safe ? Is it necessary for it to be thread safe ?
Wednesday 18 July 2012
Logging using Interceptors
One of the most popular uses of Interceptors is to log object creations/insertions and deletions. Interceptors allow you to transparently log these state changes and manage the audit trail for an entity.
Monday 16 July 2012
Testing the Interceptor
In the previous post we created a simple Interceptor that logged different operations to the console when they occurred. For testing I created an Entity class that has a one-to-one relation and a collection and decided to test out various operations on it.
Saturday 14 July 2012
Spring and Events and Listeners
Spring's ApplicationContext provides the functionality to support events and listeners in code. Spring allows us to create listeners in the code. We can create beans that listen for events which are published through our ApplicationContext. This is achieved via the ApplicationEventPublisher interface.
Friday 13 July 2012
Hibernate Queries and the Question Mark
The one thing we see in logs when we use Hibernate is the Question Mark. The question mark makes its appearance in all queries generated whether you use HQL or Criteria or do a load on the object identifier. If we need to debug a query, we need to actually copy the values from bind parameters and then replace them for the question marks. This (and I am sure developers will agree with me ) is a pain. Real PAIN.
Tuesday 10 July 2012
Listeners in Hibernate
Hibernate 3.x is built on the concept of events and listeners.To deal with the different operations like loading an object, saving an object, Hibernate creates events. There exists listeners in the Hibernate framework listening for these events.
Sunday 8 July 2012
The MessageSourceAware Interface
While we can use the ApplicationContext for Internationalization, we may also need the functionality to be available to normal beans.
Thursday 5 July 2012
Reloadable MessageSources
As we saw in the previous post, the ResourceBundleMessageSource uses underlying JDK's ResourceBundle implementation. The java.util.ResourceBundle loads locale specific files or bundles only once. It caches loaded bundles forever: Reloading a bundle during program execution is not possible. As this MessageSource relies on ResourceBundle, it faces the same limitation.So we are stuck with the same set of values. Spring provides us with an alternative implementation - ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.
Tuesday 3 July 2012
Spring and Message Loading
One of the advantages of using the application context is that we can load locale specific messages using the ApplicationContext. More simply put Spring includes Localization and Internationalization support.
Sunday 1 July 2012
Lazily loading beans ?
One of the differences between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext is their method of loading beans. The beanfactory lazily loads beans. It creates the bean only when the getBean() method is called.
Saturday 30 June 2012
Intercepting Events in Hibernate
Much of what Hibernate does, happens in the background and the application is not aware of the same. For example dirty checking of entities and scheduling sql update queries for the modified objects is something that Hibernate manages on its own.This is very good in a way, because it removes the amount of code we need to write.
Thursday 28 June 2012
Data Filters in Hibernate
I think everybody has at some point come across views in Database.Views generally represent a subset of the data contained in a table. A common scenario is one wherein we use soft deletion . For example instead of actually deleting an entity, we have a flag column in the row which we set as true indicating the entity has been deleted. We then create a view to access all the "alive" records.
Views thus provide us a filtered access of data in the table.(This is only one of its uses.) Hibernate provides something similar called dynamic views.
Views thus provide us a filtered access of data in the table.(This is only one of its uses.) Hibernate provides something similar called dynamic views.
Monday 25 June 2012
Stateless Session
In an earlier post I used the ScrollableResults object along with a session to batch multiple operations. In this case I had to manually flush and clear the session after every n SQL operations to prevent my persistence cache from having a memory overflow.
Hibernate also offers an alternative type of Session where it counts on the user to mange the SQL updates on his own.
Hibernate also offers an alternative type of Session where it counts on the user to mange the SQL updates on his own.
Friday 22 June 2012
Hibernate And Bulk Operations -2
I the previous post we saw bulk updates via Hibernate. We can also perform bulk deletes and bulk inserts through Hibernate.
Bulk Deletes
Bulk Deletes
static void testBulkDelete() { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction transaction = null;
Tuesday 5 June 2012
Hibernate And Bulk Operations -1
We have often executed SQL queries of the type:
update <table> set <record_column> = <value> where <condition>;These kind of queries that results in multiple records being updated are termed bulk updates.Hibernate allows us to do the same too. Consider the below code that updates the name column of all Entity records
Saturday 2 June 2012
Hibernate And Batch Operations
There are often scenarios in our application wherein we need to perform batch updates. For example if there was a need to update the zip code of all records in Address table a batch update would be a very good way to achieve the same. A single update SQL query would ensure that the job is done at the database level.
However there arise complications in big applications wherein the update operation would be much more complex then a singe update query or the code complexity better handled in java then in a stored procedure.
However there arise complications in big applications wherein the update operation would be much more complex then a singe update query or the code complexity better handled in java then in a stored procedure.
Sunday 13 May 2012
The ApplicationContextAware Interface
In the previous post we saw how the ApplicationContext as the more powerful container in Spring. In a BeanFactory based environment Spring provides us with the BeanFactoryAware interface to help a bean get access to its loading BeanFactory container.Similarly for the application context
Tuesday 1 May 2012
Using the ApplicationContext
In all of the previous posts we have been working with the BeanFactory. However in order to use all of Spring's functionalities we need to use a more powerful version of the Spring Container.
Sunday 29 April 2012
Bean Creation via Factory Method
The Spring Container does not have to instantiate beans via using the new keyword. Some times objects are created from factories. There are two ways to achieve the same - via a static factory method or via an instance factory method.
Thursday 26 April 2012
Using BeanPostProcessors
Spring provides us with BeanPostProcessor classes that can be used to process beans before and after they have been configured by the container.
Tuesday 24 April 2012
Creating default init and destroy methods
In earlier post we saw how Spring allowed us to define custom init and destroy methods - both via configuration and via code.As we are working with cars, we will need to check the engine on all cars before use and clean the car after use.
Monday 23 April 2012
The InitializingBean and DisposableBean Interfaces
In our previous post we saw how the Spring container used custom initialization and destroy methods. An alternative way to achieve the same is to use the InitializingBean and DisposableBean Interfaces.
Saturday 21 April 2012
Custom Bean Initialization and Destroy Methods
It is possible that we may need to execute some initialization code when the bean has been initialized successfully by the Spring Container. We saw that the bean life cycle has several methods that can be used to initialize our bean.
Thursday 19 April 2012
BeanNameAware and BeanFactoryAware
In the previous post we saw the Bean life cycle. Consider the two interfaces BeanNameAware and BeanFactoryAware. The first one makes the object aware of their bean name in a bean factory. The second interface gives the bean access to the Bean Factory that created it.
Monday 16 April 2012
The Bean Lifecycle
I was studying the life cycle of the bean in a Spring application. The Spring container performs several step in the bean creation process before making it available to the use for the application.
Saturday 14 April 2012
The autowire-candidate attribue
There may arise a scenario wherein we do not want certain beans to be autowired into the property of other beans. Consider the Simple Car class from an earlier example:
Thursday 12 April 2012
The default-autowire attribute
We have seen that Spring supports a variety of auto-wiring options. Spring Container allows us to set a default autowiring for all the beans.
Wednesday 11 April 2012
Can we auto and explicitly wire a bean ?
While the Spring Container allows us to auto-wire a bean, it does not mean, that the bean must be completely auto wired by the container.
Tuesday 10 April 2012
Autodetecting The Autowiring
The last technique in autowiring is auto-detect. In this case we tell the Spring container to uses its own brains while configuring the bean.
Saturday 7 April 2012
One to One and Proxies
As a part of its default fetch strategy, Hibernate uses proxies for collections and all associations when we get an Entity from the database. The proxies have only their id set with access to any other property triggering a further select statement. The idea here is to only hit these tables when the data is needed. But the behavior varies slightly for one to one associations.
Tuesday 3 April 2012
Lazy Behavior in Hibernate
Hibernate has an attribute called lazy. This makes an appearance in various parts of the hbm file. The first point is the class element. (To try these properties, I am using the same Book- Shelf example from an earlier post.)
Sunday 1 April 2012
Consider the below code that loads an entity from the database and deletes it.
public static void rollBackDelete() { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Entity entity = new Entity();
Saturday 31 March 2012
Merging A Detached Object
In an earlier post we saw how to reattach detached objects using update() and lock(). Consider the below code where we try to reattach an object.
public static void needForMerge() {
Monday 26 March 2012
get() versus load() - The Battle Continues...
In the previous two posts we saw the behavior of get() and load() methods and how it differed when session caching came into the picture.
Saturday 24 March 2012
get() versus load() - Things Get Murkier
In the previous post we saw the real difference between the load and get methods of the session. We saw that load() works with proxies and get() works with actual database entities.But this behaviour changes completely when the persistence context comes into picture.
Friday 23 March 2012
get() versus load()
This has to be one of the most popular questions asked in hibernate interviews:
What is the difference between get() and load() method ?
Hibernate provides us with the two methods to load a persistent entity from the database. These signatures are session.get(Class, Serializable) and session.load(Class, Serializable). Both methods take a class variable and an identifier object and return an instance of the Entity class.
What is the difference between get() and load() method ?
Hibernate provides us with the two methods to load a persistent entity from the database. These signatures are session.get(Class, Serializable) and session.load(Class, Serializable). Both methods take a class variable and an identifier object and return an instance of the Entity class.
Monday 19 March 2012
From Detached to Removed
In our previous post we saw how to transition a detached object back to a persistent state. Is it possible to delete an entity from the database if it is not associated with any session? Would Hibernate throw an exception or would the delete succeed? Or would the code simply crash ? The best way to be sure is to try it out on our own :
Saturday 17 March 2012
Autowiring By Constructor
In this technique, the Spring Container tries to match up beans in the container with the parameters of the constructor arg while creating the bean. Consider the CarByConstructor class:
Autowiring By Type
In this type of autowiring the Spring Container will attempt to configure the bean properties based on the type of the property. Consider the below ICar implementation:
Sunday 11 March 2012
Autowiring - By Name
In the posts so far we have been defining our beans and configuring them using configuration files. However this results in very large XML files. Spring allows the properties of beans to be automatically wired based on the name of the property or some other conditions.
Friday 9 March 2012
Injecting Null
In the last posts we saw Springs ability to inject collections - both simple value types and complex object types. But just because Spring allows us to configure objects does not mean we have to always configure them. For e.g. there could be a Singer class that uses constructor injection to wire its "song" property. But what do you do if you don't have a song ?
Wednesday 7 March 2012
Injecting Collections of Objects
In the previous post we saw how to inject a collection of values. However Spring is not limited to only wiring primitive values . It allows us to create collections of beans and wire them into other beans as well.
Sunday 4 March 2012
Injecting Value Based Collections
Spring allows us to create beans that are wired with Collections and Arrays. In this post we shall create a simple class that has different collection based properties and then wire them with simple string values.
Saturday 3 March 2012
Injecting Properties Of Beans
Simply creating beans is not the only work of the container. We also need it to able to configure the newly instantiated beans. We need to 'inject dependencies' into these beans. There are two ways to inject the bean properties. One is using
Thursday 1 March 2012
The p namespace
<bean id ="band" class ="com.performer.Band"> <property name="musician" ref="musician"></property> <property name="singer" ref="singer"></property> </bean>The above XML fragment
Tuesday 28 February 2012
I don't want to share my bean
In the previous example we saw how to set bean properties via the configuration. We can inject any value (or reference) into any property of the bean using the configuration files. However this leads to the side effect that the same bean reference may end up as a property among multiple beans.
Loading the Configuration
In our previous posts we created an XML based configuration file that provided the Bean Factory information on the beans to be created. The XmlBeanFactory class takes a resource instance as a part of its constructor parameter.
Saturday 25 February 2012
Making A Detached Object Persistent Again
Hibernate allows detached objects to be associated with a persistence context again.One way to achieve this is to use the update method of the session.
Thursday 23 February 2012
Controlling the size of the Persistence cache
As we saw earlier the Persistence Cache holds a collection of loaded persistent objects. For every object that we load in Hibernate a separate copy (called a snapshot) is maintained within the persistence cache. This copy is used by Hibernate to mange dirty checks.(It is also used as a first level cache.) A downside to this phenomenon is that if we load a very huge object graph into the session there is a possibility that we might run into an OutOfMemoryException.
Tuesday 21 February 2012
Write-Behind Technique In Hibernate
Calling in the code does not cause an immediate SQL insert to be fired. Similarly session.delete(entity) or session.update(entity) will not result immediately in the execution of the sql delete or update queries being fired.
When objects associated with the persistence context are modified, the changes are not immediately propagated to the database.
When objects associated with the persistence context are modified, the changes are not immediately propagated to the database.
Sunday 19 February 2012
First Level Cache and Repeatable Reads
As we saw earlier, with every hibernate session, a persistence context is associated. This context is aware of all the persistent objects that are associated with the hibernate session. The objects are maintained in maps with the identifier as the primary key. Hibernate very smartly uses this data to perform some query optimization.
Friday 17 February 2012
Automatic Dirty Checking
Consider the below code which loads a simple Entity from the database and updates it.
public static void testUpdate() { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
Thursday 16 February 2012
The Hibernate Persistence Context
In our previous post we saw the object cycle and how the Hibernate session kept a tab on all the persistent objects. A call to session.toString() returns the following:
SessionImpl(PersistenceContext[entityKeys=[EntityKey[com.mode l.Entity#1]],collectionKeys=[]];ActionQueue[insertions=[] updates=[] deletions=[ ] collectionCreations=[] collectionRemovals=[] collectionUpdates=[]])There is something inside the Hibernate session called the PersistenceContext. What is it ?
Tuesday 14 February 2012
The Hibernate Object Life-Cycle
The Hibernate framework is used to mange the persistence of objects. It allows objects to be associated with data present in the tables. It saves/modifies and inserts records in the database tables based on values in these objects and the operations performed on them using the Hibernate interfaces.
In the sequence of these operation calls, the data objects exist in various states. These states and the transition from one state to another forms the persistence life cycle.
In the sequence of these operation calls, the data objects exist in various states. These states and the transition from one state to another forms the persistence life cycle.
Sunday 12 February 2012
To Singleton or Not To Singleton
Consider the below bean definition in our spring configuration file
<bean id="pBean" class="com.performer.Singer"/>
In the previous post we saw how to create additional SQL using the <database-object> element. The queries were specified in the mapping file and Hibernate picked it from there and executed them as a part of the hbm2ddl operation.However Hibernate also allows us to programmatically control the generation of scripts.
Thursday 9 February 2012
Auxiliary database objects
Hibernate's DDL export tool allows us to generate the SQL from our hbm mappings. However it is possible that we need to execute some additional sql that cannot be generated from the Hibernate mapping files. One way to do is by using the import.sql file. We can add all our triggers/procedures and other sql objects in this file and manage this file. Hibernate will execute this file as part of the database creation process.The other method is to create auxiliary database objects.
Tuesday 7 February 2012
Identifying Beans - Name or Id
In the previous post we saw Spring and its relation to the term Beans. Now to look at beans from the implementation perspective. The first question is how to identify a Bean?
Beans in the xml file can be identified by their name or id property. For this post and a few others we shall use the below interface:
Beans in the xml file can be identified by their name or id property. For this post and a few others we shall use the below interface:
Monday 6 February 2012
Creating sql indexes via Hibernate
The definition of a database index from wikipedia is as follows:
A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the cost of slower writes and increased storage space.
A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the cost of slower writes and increased storage space.
Saturday 4 February 2012
Spring and Beans
Whenever I come across the word Spring, the word bean is inevitably around the corner. Is there are any strong relation between the two ? Is it a part of Java glossary ? Or is it just a terminology bandied about by the Spring team. What exactly is this bean ?
The Spring Container
In our previous post we saw how the BeanFactory was used. If the same code was to be written without spring
A Simple Spring Program
In this post, I shall attempt to create a simple bean using spring.
Sharp Turn in the Road
I have been learning Hibernate ( and creating small examples) for quite some time now. And I am feeling a bit bored of this db thing now. I guess I need a change. So I decided to sharpen my skills at one another technology I have been using in the past year. Spring.
I have been using Spring in my project for the last year now. We started fresh on it with zero ground knowledge. At every stage of the development we have been amazed and impressed with what Spring has had to offer. So to bring a dash of change to the blog, I decided to take a stab at spring.
For my learning I had referred to a host of similar blogs, the Spring source site, my fellow workers, spring's source code and the book "Spring In Action- Second Edition". My knowledge might very well turn out to be a mix. (its definitely not something new, that I am putting out there ;) )Hope it helps.
This does not mean that Hibernate stops here. I shall continue with both Spring and Hibernate and at some point blog on a mix of the two. Till then cheers.
I have been using Spring in my project for the last year now. We started fresh on it with zero ground knowledge. At every stage of the development we have been amazed and impressed with what Spring has had to offer. So to bring a dash of change to the blog, I decided to take a stab at spring.
For my learning I had referred to a host of similar blogs, the Spring source site, my fellow workers, spring's source code and the book "Spring In Action- Second Edition". My knowledge might very well turn out to be a mix. (its definitely not something new, that I am putting out there ;) )Hope it helps.
This does not mean that Hibernate stops here. I shall continue with both Spring and Hibernate and at some point blog on a mix of the two. Till then cheers.
Friday 3 February 2012
Creating Column, Table and Database level constraints
In earlier posts we saw how to use the hibernate hbm2ddl tool. We were able to create column constraints set unique column constraints and add not-null checks. In addition to those we saw before, Hibernate also allows creation of table level constraints such as foreign keys.
Monday 16 January 2012
Insert,Update,Delete via Procedures and Functions
In the previous post, we saw how to create custom queries for Entity updating, insertion and deletion.Hibernate allows the use of both SQL procedures and functions to perform the Create/Delete and Update operations. I used the same entity class (Item) but instead of using the auto-increment property, I used the assigned generator. The reason for the change was issues faced in getting the insert procedure to work with auto-increment value. Hibernate needs this value which it is the result of the method.
Monday 9 January 2012
Creating Custom Insert,Update,Delete Queries
At start up Hibernate generates standard CRUD queries for each Entity that is mapped in Hibernate. However just like custom loaders, Hibernate provides with the option of using our own custom queries for the Create, Update and Delete (CUD) Operations
Creating Custom Entity Loaders
At its basic level Hibernate deals with SQL. All the fancy methods and HQL strings that we write end up being converted into the SQL that is understood by the database. Hibernate generates the appropriate SQL best suited for the Database provider we are using based on the dialect we have set in our hibernate configuration file.
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>There is a very rare probability that we may find the SQL queries generated unsuitable for our use. In such cases Hibernate comes with the option of overriding these queries with our own SQL queries.
Sunday 8 January 2012
Composite Foreign Key referencing Nonprimary Keys
In the previous post we had a scenario wherein the foreign key was not actually referring to the primary key but instead to another natural key. Let us take this not -so normal scenario a step further into the weird. What if the natural key is formed by a group of columns as opposed to the single column natural key we saw earlier ?
Tuesday 3 January 2012
Foreign Key referencing Nonprimary Keys
Usually a foreign key references a Primary Key. However it is possible to have an extreme scenario wherein the foreign key refers a unique column in another table. To illustrate the above case let us create a simple(but highly contrived) example.
Sunday 1 January 2012
Compisite Identifiers And Associations-2
Continuing from the previous post, if Student were to have a many-to-one association with Books, then the foreign-key(user_name) would also be present in this association.
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